

2019-10-31 552浏览

  UKiset(译赛)——UK Independent Schools Entry Test, 全称为英国私立学校入学测试,由英国加比达斯联合众多英国顶尖私立学校共同推出的在线入学筛选考试。今天小编为大家带来的是关于UKiset语法冠词指代逻辑并举例说明,希望能够帮助大家更好的应对。




  Once upon a time, there was a mountain. (第一次提到这座山,用不定冠词指代)

  Inside the mountain stood a temple.(第二次提到这座山,用定冠词指代)

  掌握了冠词的指代逻辑,在做题目的时候就会轻松get到段落内部的结构和层次, 从而提高逻辑结构题目中的句子置位题的正确率。


  [1]Thus, even though I already had all the equipment I needed in my home office, I decided to try using a coworking space in my city. [2]Because I was specifically interested in coworking’s reported benefits related to creativity, I chose a facility that offered a bright, open work area where I wouldn’t be isolated. [3]Throughout the morning, more people appeared. [4]Periods of quiet, during which everyone worked independently, were broken up occasionally with lively conversation.

  The writer wants to add the following sentence to the paragraph. After filling out a simple registration form and taking a quick tour of the facility, I took a seat at a table and got right to work on my laptop.

  The best placement for the sentence is immediately

  A.Before sentence 1

  B.After sentence 1

  C.After sentence 2

  D.After sentence 3

  【答案解析】:所给的句子中有”a quick tour of the facility”, 可以断定,这个句子的前面的句子一定有“a facility”, 文中第二句中有“I chose a facility that...”, 所以果断选择C选项。


  [1]Box’s research is important because the fires of 2012 may not be a one-time phenomenon. [2]According to scientists, rising Arctic temperatures are making northern latitudes greener and thus more fire prone. [3]The pattern Box observed in 2012 may repeat, with harmful effects on the Arctic ecosystem. [4]Box is currently organizing an expedition to gather this crucial information. [5]The next step for Box and his team is to travel to Greenland to perform direct sampling of the ice in order to determine just how much the soot is contributing to the melting of the ice sheet. [6]Members of the public will be able to track his team’s progress--and even help fund the expedition--through a website Box created.

  To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 4 should be placed

  A. where it is now

  B. After sentence1

  C. After sentence2

  D. After sentence5

  【答案解析】:第4句中有“an expedition”,那么如果再次提到expedition, 必然会用到“the expedition”, 通读全段之后发现,“to gather this crucial information”是指“perform direct sampling of the ice in order to determine just how much the soot is contributing to the melting of the ice sheet”, 所以可以断定sentence4应该放在第5句话之后,答案选D选项。


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